Hall of Projects

Here's an archive of the things I've worked on, either in professional environments or my own personal projects.

YearProjectDeveloped AtDescriptionTech StackLinks
2022ANNEY RobotUniversity (Group Project)A ROS-based waiter robot that performs speech recognition to take orders and object detection to identify prepared food for order verification.PyTorch • OpenCV • ROS • rospy • Ubuntu • SpeechRecognition
2022FitnityHackathon - Garuda Hacks 3.0 2022A full stack web application enabling users to discover sports activities and connect with a sports-loving community, encouraging the practice of an active lifestyle together. Featuring NLP using sentiment analysis and keyword extraction on user reviews for quicker and better decision making on sports locations and a gamification feature to keep users motivated. Developed for Garuda Hacks 3.0 2022 in 48 Hours where we received an Honorable Mention against over 100 submitted projects.React • Flask • SpaCy • yake • Firestore • Firebase Hosting • Heroku
2022Healthcare Review Management ChatbotUniversity (Group Project)A web-based chatbot that collects reviews from healthcare patients and automatically performs text classification and sentiment analysis for review management.SpaCy • Seaborn • Pandas • Streamlit • Firebase Realtime Database
2022Depression Indicator Chatbot (Inspector Gloom)University (Group Project)A web-based API and chatbot that performs sentiment analysis on Twitter tweets and classifies depression severity based on Depression Anxiety Stress Scales Responses.Tensorflow • scikit-learn • Pandas • Flask • Streamlit
2022Portfolio Website V2PersonalThis very website you're looking at! This is the second iteration of my portfolio website built using Gatsby and deployed to Firebase, complete with automated build and deployment using GitHub actions.Gatsby • Firebase • HTML • CSS • GitHub Actions
2022YouTube Comments Analysis AppPersonalA sentiment and subjectivity analysis app to understand videos without the dislike count.YouTube Data API • Streamlit • TextBlob • WordCloud • Matplotlib
2021Cloud Project Access Request ApplicationMaxisA web application and automated system to request for and automatically provision cloud roles and projects access.Flask • HTML • CSS • Terraform • Cloud Functions • BigQuery • Pub/Sub • Google Cloud Python Client • Cloud Run
2021BTS RecogniserPersonalAn elementary facial recognition project using built-in methods in OpenCV and web scraping techniques in obtaining a dataset.OpenCV • Selenium • scikit-image
2021Chrome Dinosaur Game AIPersonalAn image classification and automation approach to playing the famous Chrome dinosaur game.Tensorflow • PIL • OpenCV
2021Sketched Digit PredictorPersonalMy take on the classic MNIST dataset using transfer learning with ResNet and deployment with Docker.PyTorch • OpenCV • Streamlit • Docker • Heroku
2021Prepaid Fraud DetectionMaxisA facial recognition and image quality classification approach to fraud detection in prepaid registrations.PyTorch • OpenCV • ArcFace Models
2021Iris Classification APIPersonalMy take on the classic iris classification dataset where I explored Exploratory Data Analysis and serving models in an API.scikit-learn • Matplotlib • Pandas • Flask • HTML • CSS
2021Portfolio Website V1PersonalThe first version of my portfolio website built using React and deployed using Firebase.React • Firebase • HTML • CSS
2021AACOE Project Monitoring DashboardMaxisAn automated and centralised system and dashboard to monitor the department's projects.Cloud Functions • BigQuery • Cloud Logging • Google Cloud Python Client • Data Studio
2021Resume Search Retrieval ApplicationMaxisAn application to upload and search for the most relevant resumes based on keywords.ElasticSearch • Streamlit • PyMuPDF • Compute Engine • App Engine • Cloud Storage • Ag-Grid
2020EcoNetHackathon - UniHack 2020A web application proposed for UniHack 2020 that enables users to enter the items they want to recycle and obtain the closest recycling centres. A global finalist project (3rd)React • Google Maps API • HTML • CSS